The Learning Tool That's Giving Me More Hope for 2024

I recently was given some amazing advice… 

Grace and I are looking for a fulfillment center, but the scope of that project feels totally overwhelming to me. I didn’t know what questions to even start thinking about. 

Here’s the advice I received:

If I had questions about something, and I didn’t know what questions to even ask, I should go on Youtube and watch videos about it until I felt really, really comfortable with the topic, knowing what my next questions and next steps should be.

⭐️What GOLDEN advice for the New Year. 🥳⭐️

When I started watching videos about fulfillment centers, within twenty minutes I got much more confident that I could start searching for a fulfillment center – which I quickly found out is actually known as 3PL in that world.

I also realized that I could search on Youtube for any burning question that I had. 

Organization has always been a downfall for me. It’s something that has always been stressful for me.

My creative brain and hands go around creating content  all day long, but feel like I’ve lost a lot “through the cracks.” My computer files are all over the place. 

In order to be a more efficient business owner and content creator, I realized I really need to get my poop in a group! 😅

I feel truly motivated to finally change this at this point in my life, and with the resource of YouTube at my fingertips, I’m feeling like it’s actually possible this year. Maybe I *can* fix my paperwork procrastination. Maybe I *can* develop a system for managing my files and stick with it. 

I started YouTubing about organizing content. This led me to find videos about building a “second brain” (a.k.a. managing your computer files), mind mapping, and creating and managing creative online content. It also led me to artist vlog-type videos, which I found really inspiring to watch as well.

This YouTube binge has brought me hope in a way that Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest have failed to do for me in the past few years.

Maybe it’s that these videos feel really personal. I also love that the videos are longer format. Unlike 30 second Reels (that might have taken 30+ minutes to make), you get 15 thoughtful minutes that someone has spent hours writing, filming, and editing.

You get the best, nuanced wisdom from people – the things that have changed their life so much, that they’ve decided to take a considerable amount of time to create and share it. (Similar to the content that I aspire to make!)

I’m so glad I discovered this resource at this time of year and I just had to share it with you. 😊 (I’m basically telling anyone who will listen 😅.)

Some of the videos I’ve been watching are helping me think more about habits and systems (which I’m going to talk about next week). 

They are also teaching me strategies for overcoming my natural tendencies of entropy, and helping me harness my natural strengths (why was I never taught mind mapping?!).

I hope you allow yourself to go to Youtube and surf a bit. I recommend you start by searching for something that deep down you want to get better at.


Watch a few videos and be prepared to be inspired and more hopeful. 🙌 Let me know how it goes for you! And if you come across a great video, share in the comments, I’d love to watch too! 

Cheering you on today, and everyday of 2024,

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What a fabulous post — every one of us has SOMETHING in our life that feels overwhelming — and you’ve given us such a generous tip here! I have used YouTube for some technical “how to” info, but hadn’t thought about how much broader a resource it could be! Thank you.

Elizabeth H Cottrell


Connie Bickford

DEF need to use this advice for organizing my doula business, for taxes and all the things!

Emily Williams

Leah, you are such a generous person, as illustrated by your impulse to share with us your newfound wisdom about learning an intimidating subject. Your courage in casting fears aside and “digging in” is exemplary. Thank you for caring about us. Looking forward to seeing you and your sister on YouTube one day. You’d be naturals.

Elizabeth Stein

YouTube videos are amazing. I hadn’t thought of using them for financial organizing but will do so now. I’m going to co-teach a presentation on graphic novels this semester and will now start with YouTube. I also continue to address procrastination and organization issues so thanks for reminding me of using this resource for that, too. As always, Leah, your refreshing voice inspires.

Constance Krueger

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