“Leah Lived Day” is August 14th. It’s the day I nearly died 6 years ago in a construction accident. (And when I say nearly, I mean that I was lucky to live…past the initial impact, past the first ten minutes, the first few days, the first couple months, the past few years. It’s all been the most amazing gift.)
For us it’s always been a day of giving gratitude. It’s a day to awaken to the miracle of being alive. And we invite you to celebrate being alive today too!
It’s a day to go outside and stick your toes in the grass, get yourself a fancy drink, and write to some people you love.
Why toes in the grass?
I’m so grateful that I have specific memories of enjoying the sensation of grass on my feet the summer of my accident and connecting to my legs and core with trail running and dancing.
Will you join me in sticking your toes in the grass?
(I think I will, even though I can’t feel it.)
Why a fancy drink?
When I woke up in the ICU I couldn’t swallow. I was intubated over and over, going in and out of surgeries. Eating and drinking were difficult for months after the accident. The gift of being able to swallow is one that almost everyone takes for granted. I realized that it’s one of life’s greatest pleasures, to sip a drink you love.
Will you treat yourself to a fancy drink with me?
(I’m planning on a strawberry lemon Italian soda with whipped cream!)
Why write to someone?
I put two letters in the mail the day before I almost died. (Which is amazing because I’m notoriously bad at getting cards into the mailbox. 😂) If I had died, those would have been very special letters to those friends.
Also, people wrote to me in the ICU. Those letters gave me so much hope and courage to keep going.
Writing is a self-care that is also “other-care.” It’s a retreat into an interior space and leaves a lasting legacy of your love. That time is never wasted.
Give Gratitude for the people you do life with:
Leah Lived Day is a day to refocus on the gifts in your life. A day to be as present as possible. Put your phone down and spend time out in nature and with the people you love.
Ironically , we used to think it was a good idea to launch a collection every year ON Leah Lived Day (August 14th).
But last year I finally thought, “This is crazy. I want to be present on Leah Lived Day as much as possible, and instead I’m tethered to my phone, checking on the website and posting updates on Instagram.”
This year we are launching our new collection on Friday, Aug 16 . On August 14th, I’m going to make myself a fancy drink, feel the sun on my skin, hug Ellie, and enjoy being present with my family.
This year I'll be with Grace in Milwaukee for it, which we are both really looking forward to. She was such a big part of surviving in the ICU that getting to be with her on this day will be super meaningful. I can't wait to have one (or several!) fancy drinks with her.
I’m excited to celebrate Leah Lived Day with you too! In previous years we've said "post on social media about it!" But now we say, forget social media.
Instead, write a card and let someone know you love them. Stick your toes in the grass and have a fancy drink. Give thanks for the sunshine and the people you love.
Thank you for being here . The fact that I get to use my “bonus life” doing Tiny and Snail is something I am amazingly grateful for. You make the trouble of living with a spinal cord injury so very worth it. So thank you. ❤️

P.S. Remember to mark your calendar for the Leah Lived Day Collection Launch! It will be Friday, August 16 @ Noon Central Time.
These launches are always so fun to get to reveal a lot of energy and work that I've spent on the art and writing (we put a lot of time into the launch emails and even the product descriptions, to try and make them as interesting and worth your while as possible.)
We will have a 15% launch day discount, and we don't want you to miss it!
Boy do we have too much in common. I am very stressed right now, so grateful that a friend who has become like a sister to me has survived her open heart surgery. I almost died and could have a Robin Lived day which would be 9/27. It was a Sunday, 4 years ago, but seems like yesterday. I survived to be able to take care of my canine daughter and my parents, all of whom I lost within the last 2 years or less. And I also lost my biological sibling who I will never see or talk to again because she used all of us to blame for her life of perceived unhappiness and right now the only thing she cares about is herself and how much money she can get from the estate. I have no doubt that she is hoping all the stress she can generate for me will literally kill me. I almost died those 4 years ago when I suddenly felt unwell, and luckily we called 911. Luckily too we are in Cleveland, and I was transferred by helicopter to the Cleveland Clinic where they did surgery to save me from a dissection of the aorta which is almost always fatal. My dad who was our own energizer bunny and a WWII vet died Feb of 2023. He was so attached and so loved my mom that it was hard for him to witness mom develop dementia and become bedridden by hospice when she developed incontinence and I needed help caring for her. She died almost exactly a year later…and still hard for me to believe…in Feb of this year. And, on my first Mother’s Day without her, I lost my canine daughter. Which is kind of off the point…of my writing…I just wanted to let you know I succumbed to a FB ad for a company called 1 Canoe 2. They charged to ship a box with my order of about 6 cards imo they were overcharging for, but some were perfect for some people I know so I ordered. One of the cards came with slight smudge across it, and only one came with an envelope. Dealing with their customer service has been frustrating. So I will be glad to patronize your company instead:-) BTW, my dad was a big volunteer for our local Habitat for Humanity, among other places, including Meals On Wheels. I wish you all the best and many many more happy and healthy happy lived days:-) God only knows where the darn gift shop is in that darn Cleveland Clinic, but you ought to make them buy your cards to sell! Sending hugs, robin
So sorry about those cramps! My Dad, wheel chair, spinal cord neck injury, close to death, couldn’t swallow, has the bladder cramps every so often. Not fun. So glad he is still here! So glad that you are too!! Gratefulness by the bucket full!
Happy Leah Lived Day! Leah you are an actual miracle!! I remember when you had your accident and what a scary time it was. I’ve told many people about you and how you & your family literally willed you to live! You worked so hard to be here & I’m so grateful & happy that you are still on this planet! You make the world a better place!! 💖🌼
Leah, you are such an inspiration! Thank you! We celebrate Mike Lived Day on December 23rd. Last year was our first since his accident and we spent it as a family doing what we enjoy and makes us happy – wine tasting!! Mike’s idea! He said he wanted to do something fun and positive! I agree! Congratulations to both you and Grace on the launch of your new collection. Can’t wait to see it!!
I am so glad I found your cards. I love cards and I mail at least 5 out every month to cheer people up. I will use your cards and mail some on your live day August 14th. I have never been part of a group that is so real and hands on as you and your sister are. I am so happy you two will be together on launch day! I wish y’all lived closer together and I know yall wish the same. Thank you both for being alive and talented!!! 🩵. From Saint Augustine, Fl