‘Tis the season for babies! Grace just had her second baby, Leo a few weeks ago.
And I feel like it’s time to let you in on a secret—
I’m pregnant again too! 😱
Being pregnant presents challenges for everyone, but being a pregnant paraplegic makes things even more interesting.
With Ellie we were extra cautious, had a specialist OB, and went to a specialist for several ultrasounds too.
But since there were no complications impacting Ellie, I feel much more confident this time around.
Thankfully, I didn’t have morning sickness. But now at 25 weeks, with the baby being a little over 1 lb and 12 inches long, my bladder is getting squished and is NOT happy about it.
This causes bladder spasms, which lead to me peeing my pants several times a day.
I tell Ellie “I peed my pants every day when I was pregnant with you too, and it was totally worth it!”
This is probably the toughest part of being a pregnant para: bladder and bowel function. Why? You can’t feel when you have to go to the bathroom, there is less space, and UTIs tend to proliferate because of a surpressed immune system. (And UTIs can cause early deliveries, which may have caused Ellie to be born 5 weeks early.)
The other thing that makes it for an interesting pregnancy is that Grace and I are business owners, and Tiny and Snail is a huge part of our lives. (Basically when I'm not sleeping or being a mom, I'm working on Tiny and Snail.)
Having a newborn is a full time job in itself. Grace will step in (just as I'm doing for her right now) but still...certain aspects of Tiny and Snail might have to suffer.
But I’m so glad I get to do both: be a mom and a full time artist.
Both are super fulfilling for me, and both keep me sane — I like to keep so busy because it distracts me from my pain and makes every day feel worth it.
I’ve felt great so far in this pregnancy, other than needing to eat at least 6 times a day, the incontinance, and having a bit of trouble falling asleep at night. (Although "Pukka Night time Tea" has really been helping!)
As I fall asleep, I put my hands on my belly and feel him kicking. I’m praying for a more peaceful future for him and for him to be an instrument of peace.
This is the first card I have written for him:
So happy we get to share this life/planet with you. ❤️

P.S. I'm not very shy about discussing medical stuff, because once I became a paraplegic, I found my body to be downright interesting. Plus, I wished that I had known more about paralysis before I became paralyzed. (Not that it would have changed anything, but I was really so in the dark on how spinal cord injuries affect people!)
Best news EVER! I am so happy for you and your family. Here’s to a healthy, happy pregnancy!! xoxo
Congratulations!! Such wonderful happy news!! 💐💐
Congratulations! Wishing you all the best for a healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery!
Congratulations to you and your family!! So happy for you all! Thanks for sharing this happy news!!!
What a wonderful surprise to let us all share in your experience of Wet Pants incontinence today. What a gift for you and your family. You’ve touched me and many others who follow the Tiny and Snail Stories Weekly. I look forward to hearing how your Creation story as it evolves. From wetting whatever your peeing in Now until Next. Even if sharing the joy of peeing Now in? Hope your monitored often for signs of a UTI brewing. Be Well Tiny and Snail