This past week I heard two amazing podcasts and I can’t stop thinking about them so I wanted to share:
1) Power of Kindness
A customer shared this one with me, and I’ve read an article about her before. However, this was the first time I’ve heard Tracy Gates speak. She’s SO articulate, and I love the tips she gives about card writing.
Listen HERE.
2) Jonathan Haidt - Feel Better, Live More
Feel Better, Live More is one of my favorite podcasts in general, but this episode was particularly good and important. As a mom, I want to give Ellie a similar childhood to the one Grace and I had growing up – one filled with creativity and adventure, getting to play and make things with each other (and with our best friend) who lived across the street.
The fact is, Ellie is growing up in a very different time. Cell phones change things, including our brains. This podcast was a good reminder of how important it is to defend her childhood and allow her to explore the world more than the internet.
I am an advocate for technology being a tool to create. When I write or draw using a computer, I feel positive about it, but when I am endlessly scrolling or shopping on my phone I feel icky about it. (Even if you don’t have children, I think you’ll probably find this episode fascinating and important!)
Listen HERE.
Hopefully you will give these podcasts a listen while you are out on a walk or cleaning your house and they inspire you and make you think. :)
I hope you have a good week ahead.

P.S. For those of you who knew about my half marathon run last weekend, I wanted to let you know it went AMAZING. The course was more downhill than I thought it would be, and so in my grit chair it was mostly just FUN – honestly it felt a lot like downhill skiing.
I’m always amazed and inspired by the people running in a half marathon or full marathon. People you wouldn’t expect, of all different physical conditions.
There was a woman with severe kyphosis (curved spine), but somehow she finished around the same time as us. I also met a man after we crossed the finish line who told me that 13 years ago an infection paralyzed his legs, but he regained his leg function and ran 62 races last year. 🙌🤯