It is never too early or too late to write a thank you card.
Sometimes life gets overwhelming, and for me, thank you notes tend to be a low priority. I know they shouldn't be!
However, a thank you note sent even years later makes an impact.
(Sometimes I forget if I've written a thank you note. But if you're sit thankful, you can always write them again!)
Sitting down to write is the hardest part.

Something I've learned to do is send a quick text message, especially with a photo of the gift (if the thank-you is for a gift). If the gift was an intangible, obviously just write a sentence with a quick thank you. Writing a text is just a quick courtesy, and is like a release valve for your guilt 😅 , as well as a mind-trick to get you to sit down and write a quick note in the mail.
(I love hacks like this that make me more likely to do the thing that I want to do—like sitting down and sending a card.)
Then write a thank you note:
Start the card with the word "You."
I learned this when I was a kid, and I didn't quite understand it back then, but when you start the first sentence with "You" it forces you to think about a specific quality of the person that you love. (and it makes them feel good!)- "You are amazingly generous!"
- "You are such loving grandparents."
- "You made my day."
- "You are such a bright light in my life, and I can't imagine life without you."
- "You are so thoughtful!"
Thank them
- Next, thank them for the specific action or gift that they gave you. Writing specifics about how much you love that color, or your plans for the item in the future can make you dwell in the gratitude a bit more. Which makes you even more grateful!
- Next, thank them for the specific action or gift that they gave you. Writing specifics about how much you love that color, or your plans for the item in the future can make you dwell in the gratitude a bit more. Which makes you even more grateful!
Tell them what the gift and they mean to you.
- "I'm really looking forward to reading this book! I've been searching for a good book to read, so thank you! You always pick the best books."
- "Life with a newborn is overwhelming, so it was really great that you were able to come over and clean the house for me. I feel so much better about living here!"
Wrap up the note
- You really don't need to go on and on —it's better to write something short and sweet and get it in the mail, rather than being stressed that the note should be longer.
- If you do want to fill up a bit more space, you can say something like, "I hope life is going well, I'd love to catch up sometime!" or "I hope you're having a good summer. We've been playing in the pool alot!"
Sign off the letter
- "So much love,"
- "You're the best,"
- "See you soon, I hope!"
- Then add your signature, address that envelope, and slap a stamp on. Pop it in the mail, and enjoy a rush of satisfaction and a dopamine. Imagine how the person will feel when they get the note!